Re: [AD] e-mail addresses

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> > If spam proofing is so terrible, then I would like my e-mail address
> > removed so that someone doesn't end up posting it again.
> I'm ok to change it individually for people who want it.
> Anyone else who wants it should email me privately.

Well, I have a regex pattern here working which transforms all the email
addresses to gradha at terra dot com patterns and could be used just for
the web output, leaving the original ._tx file unmodified.

Now, the question is, given that I can accomplish this with a single line
of code (albeit a long one), and that with another line I can turn it
back to the original form, will this stop spammers?

The gradha at terra dot com patter is very common, it must be tracked
since ages. If I was meant to put things harder for spammers, I would
find synonims for dot and at, and substitute them randomly, creating
such patterns:

  gradha at terra dot infierno spot com
  gradha in terra point infierno dot com
  gradha with terra dotted infierno mark com
  etc etc

Or how about leaving the email addresses normal but prefix them? For
example: allegro.gradha@xxxxxxxxxx. This could be modified in the
thanks._tx file forever along with a note to remove the allegro. prefix.

Email mangling is easy, but I will do it only if we reach to some
democratic decision, as I don't believe it will stop spam that much.
I am personally for the prefix thing rather than for dot dot hack.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx

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