Re: [AD] packaging trouble

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#include <hallo.h>
George Foot wrote on Fri Aug 03, 2001 um 09:59:35AM:

> Remember my Allegro workaround -- we can leave libXxf86dga out
> of the shared library, and require the user to link it in
> staticly.  This takes a little logic in the configure script

I could do it myself, but I don't like it at all. The idea of having
shared libraries is to share the code, linking static again would be a
step back and would make the applications depends directly on xlibs. The
plugin system is a good way to go, and may be improved in the future.
Currently, I discovered another problem with symbols in mode-X driver,
which could also be solved using plugins. This symbol dependency is one
of the worst disadvantages of the ELF format as far as I can see.

> It'll be most useful if it can detect which libraries cause
> problems, so that this problem never comes up again.

I see the following problems in 3.9.37:

- static symbols in hard-linked drivers (ie. _x_unbank_switch, contained
  in modex.c and modexgfx.c)
- non-PIC code linked from libXxf86dga

Air DOS:
Die Fluggäste schieben das Flugzeug an, bis es schnell genug ist und
gleitet. Dann springen alle auf und fliegen, bis es wieder landet. Danach
schiebt man es wieder an, etc. etc.

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