Re: [AD] [TODO] About findfirst

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>>> How useful would it be to have Allegro provide a portable equivalent to
>>> find_*? I mean, how often would these functions actually be used?
>>> Speaking for myself, I probably wouldn't have much use for such functions
>>> and if I did, I'd use the POSIX opendir()/readdir() functions, not whatever
>>> is provided by Allegro.
>> But, DJGPP library doesn't have those, AFAIK.
> Then I suggest you look again ;-)
> Honestly, they're there -- I have them at least.

Here it is! I now remember why I've been open find* for the DOS port
and opendir/readdir for Unix: to differenciate files and directorys,
using opendir/readdir, you have to call a stat() on each entry.

Calling a stat under DOS is too slow, especially when you have lots 
of files on the directory. Thus, the opendir/readdir/stat solution
is way slower than the findfirst/findnext solution.

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