Re: [AD] namespace collision

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George Foot wrote:
> I can't think of any lasting problems now except for:
[a-c snipped]

 d) A user program defines its own structures, e.g.:
       struct {
          int clear;
          int exists;
       } foo;
       enum {
          circle, ellipse, line, triangle, rect, polygon, arc, spline
       } object_shape;

> Overall I don't think these are serious at all 

I'm not sure if d) is serious or not. If it only appears in user
programs, then it is only a problem if such a structure is used in one
file which #includes allegro.h and also in another which does not, or if
`#include <allegro.h>' appears below `#include
<the_file_in_which_struct_foo_is_defined.h>' in a source file, and in
both cases it is trivial to fix (by inserting 
`#include <allegro.h>' at the top of each file).

On the other hand, I think it would be a problem if some commonly used
library, e.g. some system's header, has a struct or class with members
called e.g. `clear' or `exists'. I don't know if this happens though.


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