Re: [AD] sourceforge mailing list for addon

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On 23 Jul 2001, Bob <ohannessian@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, what kind of add-on will that be?

What I've been calling it so far is an "umbrella" project, for a few
GUI addons.  I didn't want to announce it too publically yet, since
it may yet not happen.  (btw, Bob, you might be interested, because
of your work in AGUP)

> Setting up the mailing list is easy, provided you have administrative 
> privileges for the project (which you do). You should select the admin 
> option (after logging in of course), then enable the mailing list 
> option, 

Hmm, it said something like "this project doesn't have mailing lists
enabled" or something.  Maybe I clicked on the wrong link.

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