Re: [AD] packaging trouble

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#include <hallo.h>
George Foot wrote on Fri Jul 13, 2001 um 02:41:51PM:

> This can't be fixed unless someone can explain what exactly
> makes code be PIC or, best of all, what is wrong with Allegro's
> existing assembly code.  The reason it's in a separate staticly
> linked library is that I didn't know at the time (and still
> don't) what makes code PIC or not PIC.  If it is in fact fine,
> it could be made dynamic again.

Wait a moment, what if I don't want to use the assembly code at all?
Then IMO I should not worry about non-PIC code, but according to lintian
checks there is some non-PIC-code in the created library.

Okay, I will just try:
./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info  --enable-ggi=no --enable-alsamidi=no--enable-alsadigi=no  --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-linux=no --enable-pentiumopts=no --enable-asm=no --enable-dga=no --enable-dga2=no

make-log is attached.

objdump --headers --private-headers -T lib/unix/ |grep rel.text
  5 .rel.text     00000c08  00010770  00010770  00010770  2**2
00010770 l    d  .rel.text      00000000              

According to Debian's lintian check this is a clear sign for non-PIC code.

> --enable-asm=no should not be linking in any non-PIC code (we always pass -fPIC to gcc

As far as I can see, there is allways -fPIC passed to gcc, but the check
finds non-PIC code though.

> when building the shared library -- if you can find somewhere we
> don't, then it needs to be fixed).

C: Ich möchte nicht länger "Junge" genannt werden. Ich finde den Ausdruck
   demütigend und sexistisch.
   H: Wie möchtest Du dann genannt werden?          [aus "Calvin and Hobbes"
   C: "Genetisch bevorzugter Jugendlicher".                    by Watterson]

Attachment: make.log.gz
Description: Binary data

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