[AD] cvs TODO update.

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ok, i've commited a huge update on the todo list. this contains stuff 
reported from angelo mottola, peter wang, me, the original todo file and from 
mr. yamada. there are just one more thing i miss in the list: it would be 
nice if nasty bugs could be marked with "(showstopper)".

peter, hope you don't mind i took the liberty of calling you todo list 
maintainer in todo.txt. but you seemed to be doing well on keeping the list 
up-to-date already so why not? ;o)

all generated files has been removed from the repository as well, just so you 
are aware of that.

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
"Linux is keyboard friendly. I don't smash it like I used to with Windows."
Homepage: http://hstokset.n3.net  E-mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx

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