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Sorry, I forgot to mention how to set up the patches in the tar.gz file...
- allegro-config.be
This is a new file and should be placed in the misc/ dir, as the makefile
searches for it there when installing the library.
- allegro._tx.diff, allegro.cfg.diff, makefile.be.diff and readme.be.diff
These don't need explanations, as they should be applid to the known files.
- include.diff
This is a big patch of the whole Allegro include directory, made with the
-Nru switches. Includes all the changes to the Be related headers.
- src.beos.diff
Big patch of the whole src/beos directory, made with -Nru switches.
- src.midi.c.diff
This is a small patch for the src/midi.c file to make MIDI to work under
BeOS. It was made by Peter Wang.
Angelo Mottola
ICQ UIN 66972680