[AD] cross-compiling mingw

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I've been having a go at getting the mingw version of allegro to build with
a cross-compiler (like the djgpp build now can).

I've managed to get a build working and have compiled a program with it, but
it needs cleaning up before I can send a patch.

Before I do, has anyone actually done this work already?  I can't seem to
find an archive for the conductors list and wasn't subscribed for several
months while I was out of the country...

Also, I had some problems getting it to compile with the directx 8
libraries, and so had a go at building with the directx stuff included in
the mingw build I'm using - a pre-built version from:


Not sure what version of directx that has (the headers seem to say 6 for
directdraw and direct3d, but 5 for directinput), but the only thing I seemed
to need to change was to comment out this line in src/win/wdsound.c:

DirectSoundEnumerate(DSEnumCallback, NULL);

Otherwise I get a link error as DirectSoundEnumerate isn't found.

I imagine I should be able to get everything working with the directx 8
libraries, but is there actually a need to insist on directx 8?  Or is this
just to make life simpler for everyone?


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