Re: [AD] Big BeOS patch

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On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Peter Wang wrote:

> BTW, scrolling horizontally wasn't working for me in `test.c' under
> BeOS.  I don't know if it's my video card drivers or what.

Horizontal scrolling was all fuztbahed on my TNT card (it would scroll in
increments of 4 or 8 I think, but not smoothly, but by jumping back and
forth), so I did what the BeOS documentation recomended and made the
default virtual width the same as the real width, and put all the virtual
memory 'below' the main page. Any video memory manager someone writes
should be able to handle this, and if you really want to have a bigger
screen, you can request it directly (which most virtual memory
managers would do).  Since test.exe does not allow you to specify the
virtual width and height (it proably should), you get the default, which
is to have one really really tall page (a 64MB card should yeild about two
miles of memory at 640x480x8 ^_^)

The BeOS API basically does not guarantee that you will get correct
results with the scrolling API, I think its a limitation of the Video card
however (i have not tested the same program in DOS, and of course it does
not work with Windows)

Did you not notice that the virtual width was the same as the real width
in the test program?  Of course you can't scroll if they are the same.
But, thats just me chiding you for not paying attention, so I'll stop now

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