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i like allegro very much, thx a lot to all you guys (and gals?) working on allegro. after using it with djgpp, i wanted to use it together with mingw32 for win32 developing, as well. i read "readme.mgw", gathered all the stuff and tried to install it like it was described in the document. i discovered some problems, tho. maybe you want to change some stuff in "readme.mgw" and "makefile.mgw" for the next release. (i was using win NT 4.0 build 1381 Service Pack 5):

- "makefile.mgw" didn't worked for me. it said "Your SYSTEMROOT or windir environment variable is not set!". i had to change "$(SYSTEMROOT)" to "$(windir)" in "makefile.mgw" to make it work.

- there occured some problems during the building of allegro. that was no real bug, tho. the problem was that both "dx7libhdr.exe" and "dxlibs.zip" unziped in a "dx7" subfolder. i didn't realized this, so i had no idea what was wrong. maybe a small comment would make sense.

- i may be dumb, but i didn't find either "gcc_2952_msvcrt.exe" or "mingw32_docs_html.exe" at http://www.mingw.org , i had to search both
files with http://www.ftpsearch.de.

ok that's it, keep up the good work

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