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> Just to make clear, this patch was about C convention for passing
> short as int, not about portable types.
Thank you! I don't think this has anything to do with portability. The
error said that it was going to change the short int to an int anyway,
which like I said sounds more like a warning than an error. Perhaps the
stable GCC does the same thing, but doesn't say anything about it. I
don't know. I suppose we could make some option or something that
enables the patch (--enable-2-96-gcc or something?)? Or maybe we could
get them to download an executable patch to make compatibility.. :-)
I had no idea this would cause so many posts. ;-) Another thing--I
can't believe RedHat did that...oo, that rhymes, heh. Anyways, I don't
think it's going to hurt anything, but who knows? Has anyone tried the
patch and done some testing with the unicode stuff?