Re: [AD] unicode.c patch

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> i think it would be a good idea to start using the new iso c types. see
> /usr/include/stdint.h to see what i mean. this way we ensure portability of
> code as well. allegro makes too much assumptions about the size of int beeing
> 32bits. on my old borland compiler the size was 16bit. on ia64 it might be
> 64bit. instead of making a workaround for a cvs version of gcc wouldn't it be
> a good idea to actually fix this properly once and for all?

Yes Yes!

This idea has been shot down a dozen times, and never for a good reason
(IMHO of course).  I say we go ahead and do it, now that there is a
standard.  We can just create our own header for any platforms that don't
support the standard.

This is a lot like the const correctness patch that finally got done.  Its
not technically wrong or difficult.  It's just tedious.

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