[AD] Fw: hungarian translation of Allegro

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My name is Tamás KÓKÁNY and I live in Hungary. I have been using Allegro for a couple of months and I find it great. It helped me a lot with my adventure game project (which is in developing phase). I read the english version of allegro.txt. I was lucky because I was able to understand everything, but I don't think that every hungarian is able to do the same. That's why I wrote You this email, because if it is possible I could translate the document in Hungarian (I don't think that a hung. version already exists). I made the hungarian standard keyboard too, but it misses some characters, because our keyboard doesn't contain every sign (like @).
 Actually I work as a traductor and programmer for Fortikur BT. in Hungary, so if You want I can make the traduction and some addons in my language.
Best regards
                        Tamás KÓKÁNY

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