Re: [AD] nld_readkey()

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<stickman2000@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Attached are patches to add 'nld_readkey' (Num Lock Dependent readkey) to
> Allegro. It is a small function that operates almost exactly like
> 'readkey', except it will change the scancode, if needed, depending on
> the state of num lock.

i fail to see what this is useful for. i consider it bad coding practise to
change the actual scancode since it is unique to each key. IMHO determining
whether or not num lock is pressed and act on arrow keys from the numerical
keyboard, should be up to the programmer himself.

> On a side note, is there a set standard for naming diff files and the
> diff file format (including how the two file names should look)?

there are no standard, however patches to allegro should preferrably be
context sensitive or  unified. personally i make patches like this:
diff -urN old new > changes.diff


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