[AD] nld_readkey()

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Attached are patches to add 'nld_readkey' (Num Lock Dependent readkey) to
Allegro. It is a small function that operates almost exactly like
'readkey', except it will change the scancode, if needed, depending on
the state of num lock. For instance, if the user presses '8' on the
keypad while num lock is off, the scancode for 'KEY_UP' will be returned
instead of 'KEY_8_PAD', if nld_readkey() is called. But, if the user
presses '8' on the keypad, and num lock is ON, then the scancode for
'KEY_8_PAD' will be returned as usual.

The patches included add 'nld_readkey' to keyboard.c, its prototype to
allegro.h, and its documentation to allegro._tx.

On a side note, is there a set standard for naming diff files and the
diff file format (including how the two file names should look)?

Have a wonderful day!
Stephen Kittelson

Attachment: keyboard.c.wip3933.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: allegro.h.wip3933.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: allegro._tx.wip3933.diff
Description: Binary data

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