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On Fri, Aug 25, 2000 at 07:42:05AM +0700, Michael Bukin wrote:
> I have uploaded files to download.sourceforge.net:/incoming, also they
> are in shell.sourceforge.net:/home/groups/alleg/v3933 (should be
> deleted after release). I tried to make a release, but instructions
> are different from what I see in netscape (I can not even click on
> "File Release"). I wonder if there is any way to make release from
> shell.sourceforge.net without using browser.
I don't think so. Anyway, I've made the releases now.
The procedure is to go to the project admin page, and from there
"Edit/New Releases". After that, it's fairly straightforward --
choose the module, then scroll down the releases screen to enter
a new release at the bottom. You have to select the module
again here, I think it's a bug. After that, you get a screen
with four steps to creating the new release -- you set up the
release date, description, changelog, etc, then press Update for
step 1. Step 2 is choosing the files, from the contents of the
incoming directory. Step 3 is editing the information about
each file -- I just change the processor type (`any' for the
sources, `i386' for the binaries) and the archive type (to
`source .zip', `source .gz', `source .rpm' or `.zip'). You have
to do the files one by one, pushing the update button for each
one before doing the next one, which is also sort of a bug.
Lastly, step 4 involves checking a box and pressing a button, to
send announcement emails to whoever is tracking that module.
It's a lot more streamlined than the previous system, but those
two bugs are annoying. Hopefully they'll fix them before our
next release. :)
If you want to look at the procedure, you can edit the existing
releases to see the form you have to fill in. Just do the same
steps as above, but don't create a new release, click on an old
one instead.
I didn't delete those files you mentioned, I'll leave you to do
Random project update:
22/06/2000: AllegroGL alpha 8 released at http://allegrogl.sourceforge.net/
Improved Windows support. New directory structure.
Fixed OpenGL coding mistake in `tex.c'.