Re: [AD] New function: recursive_for_each_file()?

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In reply to Sven Sandberg (Sven Sandberg <ssven.geo@xxxxxxxxxx>):
>Perhaps, since I have also written one and it's a
>shame  the work was duplicated even once :-). Maybe we
>should compare our functions to see which is best? My
>implementation also only uses allegro constructs. I'll
>send it on request, and I'd be interested to see your

OK, here's my code:

Attachment: rfef.c
Description: rfef.c

[hopefully it survived transit intact]

It uses a static linked list object to store directories, which is
cleared whenever the function is exited. Its API and behaviour is (I
believe) identical to Allegro's for_each_file().

Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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