[AD] Preparing for Allegro 3.9.33

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Hi everybody,

Now that my final university term is over, and I'll be going
home to boring Mytchett, I should have enough time to put
together a new WIP.  So far I've trawled the conductors list for
postings since the last WIP was released, and made a preliminary
selection about which patches should go in and which shouldn't.
(I think, so far, I only left out patches which had been
superseded or were not a good idea.)  That's left me with 48
messages, most of which are patches, which I'll now apply to the
CVS version of Allegro.

It shouldn't take me too long to get through this, but if anyone
would like to help, let me know.  It's not just a matter of
applying each patch; it takes a bit more thought than that,
since you also need to update the documentation where necessary,
and alter the credits files and change logs, and check that the
code blends in well with the existing code in that file and that
it actually looks correct.  I doubt you can effectively do this
unless you're very familiar with the way Allegro works; in some
areas I don't know much about it, like in Windows and BeOS code,
but luckily the changes there are from people who really do know
what they're doing. :)

Once the patches are applied, it would probably be good if
people using each platform can check the final code actually
works!  CVS should make this easier to coordinate.  I guess in
the past there hasn't been much checking; Shawn doesn't have
access to all the operating systems supported.  It's not the
end of the world if there are any embarrassing mistakes, we can
release another WIP fixing the mistakes without much hassle.  

The actual process of creating the WIP is much simpler now
(thanks Shawn!), so I can do it here.  Alternatively, if Shawn
has time to do it himself then that would be better because in
the end it is he who has to upload the results.

After this WIP is out, we can keep the CVS tree a lot more
up-to-date, which then makes releasing future WIPs only involve
running through the previous paragraph of this mail (or two).

I'm not sure whether it's worth posting a list of patches I've
scheduled to be applied.  I worry that I missed something vital
to somebody, of course, since there are so many of them, but if
that's the case then hopefully that somebody will check their
feature was included, then ask why it wasn't.


Random project update:
09/05/2000: Libnet 0.10.8 uploaded -- a few bugfixes
        http://www.canvaslink.com/libnet/  (try changes-0.10.8.txt)

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