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(On the contrary, if blit is optimized for block-transfers, eliminating
half the lines may introduce overhead)

Now, in its naieve form, 1000 interlaced blits takes about the same
amount of time as 1000 uninterlaced blits (using my widlly inaccurate
timer) . THis is clearly not what I want, since the first 1000 blits are
only transferrign half the data. 
(on the contrary, it's much better than I expected, since the interlaced
blits are doing much more work)

What I want to know is how to (safely and generically) perform an
optimized blit of a single line from the source bitmap to the dest

Alternatively, if this is "not the way to go about it", I'd like to know
where I'm going wrong.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

The current blit code is available at 


L. Ross Raszewski

Allegro toys: loaders & text manipulation library

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