[Fwd: [AD] lsystem.c and the iopl call]

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George Foot wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 05:10:42PM -0600, Craig Matsuura wrote:
> > I have been using the real G2 SDK with allegro and linux.  I have found
> > that on some RealAudio links (live links) it cause my applications to
> > crash, with a SIGPIPE.
> That sounds like the player is connecting, but the other side of
> the connection gets dropped, causing you to receive a SIGPIPE
> next time you write to your end of the connection.  I'm not sure
> how Allegro could be influencing that though, or how your X
> server could be dropping its connection in any way dependent
> upon whether you're playing live data or not.

When I don't call allegro_init() my program runs fine.  I can connect to the
site and play the streaming audio.  Not all sites seem to have this problem
with allegro.

I have been debugging inside the allegro startup code.  I have found myself
in xsystem.c and xwin.c.  I worked my way down into (from the
_sigalrm_init(_xwin_interrupts_handler) call from inside _xwin_sysdrv_init)
_xwin_private_flush_buffers(), which calls an XSync().  I suspect that the
XServer is dying for some reason and the XSync must fail.

If I comment out the XSync and run my original program that calls
allegro_init and displays an allegro dialog.  I get the following error:

X Error of failed request:  BadIDChoice (invalid resource ID chosen for this
  Major opcode of failed request:  129 (MIT-SHM)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  1 (X_ShmAttach)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x4400007
  Serial number of failed request:  199
  Current serial number in output stream:  77

However the streaming audio plays?

My second test program is only calling allegro_init().  I have done nothing
else with allegro.  I think that allegro must be hooking an interrupt such
as SIGALRM and conflicting with the Real G2 SDK (which probable does the

I think the _sigalrm_init call could be the culprit.

SIDENOTE: Even running fullscreen using non X, like framebuffer, it appears
to have an issue. (Still verifying).  I only get a few things displayed.

> > So I decide to comment the line out with the iopl() call.  My
> > application no longer crashes.  Is there a reason for setting the iopl
> > to level 3?  Is it because of the 8514 X Server?
> No, but we need the privileges for the same reasons -- we need
> access to the IO ports.  We can ask for specific ranges, using
> `ioperm', but that only works for fairly low port numbers (I
> don't remember exactly how low).  Using `iopl', we get access to
> all ports, even ones we don't actually need.  This could be what
> is causing your problem -- maybe some of the other code you're
> using is writing to ports it shouldn't be touching.  That seems
> unlikely though, because it would generally cause much more
> severe problems than a simple SIGPIPE.
> Note that `iopl' only works at all if you have root privileges
> at the time -- if your program wasn't run either by root or suid
> root, then this call should just fail.  If you comment out the
> line, it will cause various Linux console drivers to stop
> working; the VGA driver needs these privileges, for instance.
> It's possible that commenting out this line turned off some
> Allegro drivers which would otherwise have interfered with the
> other code in your program.
> It might help if you try running your program, including the
> `iopl' call, without root privileges -- does it crash in this
> case?
> I'm slightly confused by your references to the X server -- if
> the code in `lsystem.c' is at all relevant to your program,
> you're not using the X version of Allegro.  Perhaps you could
> clarify exactly which version of Allegro is being used, and
> whether the effects depend upon being run by root.

Yes, I have been using the X version of allegro.  My bad, I was looking at
both lsystem.c and xsystem.c.  Because running fullscreen framebuffer
appears to have a problem too.

> George
> --
> Random project update:
> 27/04/2000: AllegroGL alpha 7 released, fixing silly omission in alpha 6
>         http://AllegroGL.sourceforge.net/

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