Re: [AD] CVS access to Allegro

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On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, George Foot wrote:

> Who would fund us hiring a server with a permanent connection, though?

There must be someone on the list who runs a few servers with a permanent
connection. Just ask him :-)

> The most important thing SourceForge would provide (they're not the
> only ones, if there's some specific problem with them) is a machine to
> store the CVS repository on which has a good fast permanent connection
> to the internet.

You're right. They have fast internet connection. Even if I'm on TEN-155.

> Ah, were you just complaining about the DNS name?  That's
> trivial to change, and SourceForge have a policy about it --
> they'll even answer DNS queries for your domain if you tell them
> to.  Registering domains costs money though.

Freeciv developers just asked people and (if I remember right) there were
five or six people donating money for it.

OK, you persuaded me. I vote for SourceForge now. I think Allegro needs
CVS so everyone can have up-to-date almost-bug-free current source.

Stepan Roh

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