Re: [AD] Sound problem with OSS

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Vincent Penquerc'h <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> But (there is a but) I get a warning at bootup stating that
> I have a conflict trying to hook DMAs 1 and 6, and which
> tells me to get a look at /proc/dma. I did, but all seemed
> to be OK. And since it works perfectly (input, output, midi),
> I didn't look further.

This sounds suspicious to me...

> But anyway, even if I have a broken install (which is quite
> probable), the issue is that Allegro does not detect the 16
> bit mode won't work.
> Hmmm, I should forward that to AD too, in case someone has
> an idea on how to detect a failure in setting the DSP params...

I don't think it's an Allegro problem. The OSS driver does indeed check 
for what output formats are available, and the OSS device reports this to 
us, but if you have a hardware conflict, that's a different thing. Most 
likely your OSS driver supports 16 bit output, so it reports that as being 
available, so Allegro tries to play 16 bit samples, but then something is 
broken further down inside your kernel so that those 16 bit samples aren't 
getting DMA'd across to your card. You could say that it's an OSS bug if 
it reports 16 bit output as being available when really it isn't, but even 
then, it looks like OSS gave you some kind of error message during boot, 
so I don't think you can really expect it to work perfectly after that...

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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