RE: [AD] CVS access to Allegro

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On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Isaac Cruz wrote:

> I think we could give CVS a try, but keeping at the same time the old
> method of releasing a new WIP with a list of changes, and posting
> patches to this list

Sorry for mentioning Freeciv again. Freeciv has CVS. Few core developers
have non-public CVS access. Changes in CVS are automatically mentioned on
the list freeciv-cvs with description of changes. Each time CVS is changed
they release archives with names like freeciv-cvs-Apr-04.tar.bz2 and
freeciv-cvs-Apr-03-Apr-04.diff.bz2. Patches are sent to freeciv-dev and
after they are tested they are written into CVS - so CVS version is
something like Allegro WIP, but released quickly.

Stepan Roh

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