[AD] 16 bit C version of stretch_blit() fixed

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Sorry for cross-posting; I accidentally sent this to [AL] first.

Here is a fix to the bug that I mentioned some weeks ago that caused
exalpha to look wrong. It was caused by a typo in the 16 bit generic C
stretch_blit() code.

--- cstretch.c.original	Mon Apr  3 16:48:08 2000
+++ cstretch.c	Mon Apr  3 16:48:33 2000
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
 static void stretch_line15(unsigned long dptr, unsigned char *sptr)
-   DECLARE_STRETCHER(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short*), bmp_write15, *);
+   DECLARE_STRETCHER(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short), bmp_write15, *);
 static void stretch_line16(unsigned long dptr, unsigned char *sptr)
-   DECLARE_STRETCHER(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short*), bmp_write16, *);
+   DECLARE_STRETCHER(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short), bmp_write16, *);

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