Re: [AD] two example patches

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On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 08:16:07PM +0100, Daniel Nilsson wrote:
> Here is my first contribution to Allegro.

Cool. :)

> I hope I got the diff right, it's my first.

Just one point really:

> diff -U 3 ALLEGRO.OLD\EXAMPLES/exlights.c ALLEGRO\EXAMPLES/exlights.c

It's nicer if you use forward slashes rather than backward
slashes in filenames and avoid capitals letters that aren't
really there (Allegro's example programs are in the `examples'
directory, not the `EXAMPLES' directory).  It matters with Unix,
where filenames are case-sensitive.  The patch utility will
complain about not being able to find the files otherwise, and
ask the user to enter the filename to patch, which is OK for a
small number of filenames but rather tedious otherwise!


Random project update:
06/02/2000: AllegroGL alpha 3: use OpenGL with Allegro in Unix or Windows

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