[AD] X window creation

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I made a small change to the way the X window is created, removing the 
call to _xwin_create_window() from xsystem.c, and instead calling it from 
the start of _xwin_private_create_screen() and 
_xdga_private_create_screen() if _xwin.window == None. This makes very 
little difference (the window is still only created once, just now it 
happens on the first call to set_gfx_mode(), rather than during 
allegro_init(), but avoids popping up a dummy window for programs like 
exupdate if you run it without arguments, so that it just quits with a 
usage message.

The question is, does this break anything? It seems like a harmless 
alteration to me, but I thought I'd better check with the people who know 
more about that code :-)

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx - http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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