[AD] A new mouse driver

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I have created another mouse driver for Windows. I tested it using exgui.c .

Stefan's driver doesn't work in windowed mode ( two cursor ) and the mouse
cursor moves always too slow.

This one, which doesn't use DirectInput (tm), works in a window too and
moves more softly.


Allegro's mouse routines have an irritating feature:

When (gui) routines hide the mouse cursor show_mouse creates timer for
mouse_move function. Creating timer ( install_int ) needs hundreds of
milliseconds on my P233. This results to a *very* sticky behaviour in GUI
apps. For example, when you scroll a scroll bar the mouse cursor must be
hide many times in a short time because of redraw. A bit like using Win98 on


Attachment: wgdimous.c
Description: Binary data

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