Re: [AD] BCB port done!

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Greg Hackmann <hacker@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> First, I apologize if you receive this but it doesn't affect you.  This
> is my first submission to the Allegro code base so I'm not sure how this
> is supposed to be handled.  :(

Exactly like you did: I'll collect interesting things off this list whenever 
I get around to them, while in the meantime, anyone who is interested can go 
grab your work directly (which is why this list is better than just mailing 
it to me privately).

> I finished the Borland C++Builder port of Allegro.



I get a file not found error on this: does it still exist there? Any chance 
you could mail me a copy?

> between the #define checks for __MINGW32__ and _MSC_VER (i.e. on line 33 
> in WIP 3.9.30). (You have to put this before _MSC_VER because it is
> theoretically possible for BCC32 to #define _MSC_VER when enabling MFC

<grin> For some reason I don't find this especially surprising, but it 
really does seem strange that BCC has to pretend to be MSVC before the MFC 
headers will work on it :-)

> Then, all that's left it for whoever's in charge of the docs to update 
> them to reflect the new platform.

That's probably me, then :-) I'll do the main docs if you can write the 
readme.bcc, since I wouldn't have a clue what to put in that...

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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