[AD] guiproc.c patch - d_check_proc and d_radio_proc

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Right now, if -1 is passed as a background color to d_check_proc or
d_radio_proc to cause the text to be printed with no background, the fill
color of the check box or radio button is undefined.  In high-color modes,
the fill color happens to be white; in 8-bit mode, the fill color will be
255.  A more logical behavior would be to set the fill color of the box or
button to gui_bg_color in this case.

The attached patch, if I've created it properly, sets the fill color to
gui_bg_color if d->bg is set to -1; otherwise, it leaves the fill color as


Chris La Mantia * chrislm@xxxxxxxxxx * http://home.earthlink.net/~chrislm
Current Project: Infinite Worlds, a CRPG with randomly-generated worlds
More information at http://home.earthlink.net/~chrislm/infinite

Attachment: guiproc.diff
Description: Binary data

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