Re: [AD] Info on "installing" screensaver

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Greg Hackmann <hacker@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> You just need to rename wintests\scrsave.exe to Allegro Screensaver.scr (or
> whatever you want to call it -- the name determines what shows up as the
> screensaver's name in Display Properties) and copy it to Windows\System 
> (for Win 9x, anyway).

Yeah, I noticed that. This works for 9x, but not for NT, and it certainly 
isn't what the MSDN article says. They give a huge and very detailed 
explanation of how you are supposed to define a special resource that names 
the screensaver, but it didn't work the way they said when I tried this :-)

> Unfortunately, while I was checking this out, I noticed 
> wintests\scrsave.exe was missing -- turns out that I somehow omitted it 
> from the BCC32 makefile!

The MSVC makefile actually gives that a .scr extension instead of .exe, and 
contains some special rules to link it with the resource script as well as 
just the program itself (not that it actually uses the resources for 
anything important, since the config dialog doesn't contain anything but OK 
and Cancel buttons :-)

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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