[AD] a small contribution

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I'm sending a small contribution to Allegro - the Slovak keyboard mapping
and Slovak translation of the system messages - see the Attachments.

The mapping is correct (I think so after a bit of testing), there is only
one key-combination I am not sure about. It is the combination 
SHIFT+KEY_TILDE. On my system it behaves as an ACCENT key - it prints
nothing and after I press some second key, it prints a small zero (in the
keyconf.exe it is the char B0 in the unicode page 0000) and the second
character. I decided to handle this as a normal key, as I don't know about
such ACCENT in our language...

To the system messages : I was not able to translate some of the messages,
because of the massive laugh attack I got when I imagined the possible
translations. IMHO, some messages (for example about joysticks, such as
"Stick X") don't require a translation.

If someone has a suggestion about the KEY "problem" described above, please
let me know.


Attachment: keyboard.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

Attachment: messages.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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