[AD] a 'bug' fix |
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Hi, Recently I realised that on my computer, the file selector show the drive b: which doesn't really exist. After some searching in various sources such as the Norton Guides I found that it is a logical drive for the drive a: (some materials say it is a 'phantom drive' :-) So I modified the file selector (fsel.c) in the DOS section not to show this logical drive, because it always reports an error after clicking on it. This modification perhaps needs a bit of testing - I tested it with substed drives (e.g. I substed a directory on c: to b: and so on...), but I have no possibility to test it on network drives :-(, but it should work correctly on each computer, because it uses only documented DOS Int21 functions. In the attachment there is the modified version of fsel.c I won't have internet access until 4th of january, so I wish to you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 1900 (ooops... shouldn't it be 2000 ? :-) Peter
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