Re: [AD] more patches

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On 13 Nov 1999, Michael Bukin wrote:  

> We can use the following command to install Allegro entry in dir file. 
> bash% install-info --info-dir=/usr/info --entry="* Allegro: 
> (/usr/local/info/allegro). The Allegro game programming library." --
> /usr/local/info/

> It might even work for Debian Linux. 

Doesn't work. The following works:

install-info --info-dir=/usr/info --description="* Allegro:
(/usr/local/info/allegro). The Allegro game programming library."
--section Development Allegro /usr/local/info/

The debian info-install always needs the last argument as the file to
install, so then, the description is not needed. The Allegro node keeps
appearing as Allegro, and info still finds it. :-?

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware -

 "If Windows sucked, it would be good for something."

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