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Regarding the info page issue, it turns out to be very easy for us to create
a new dir file in /usr/local/info if there isn't one already there, because
install-info will create the file from scratch if it needs to. So at the
moment, I have things set up to always just add the dir entry in the same
directory as the info page, and it is using autoconf to locate the
install-info program. Is everyone ok with this? The only potential problem
is that if you put the info pages somewhere not in your info search path,
the dir entry won't be found, but I think it is your own fault if you do
that :-)
I've also got the makedoc utility generating manpages now, which look pretty
cool. I've put them in section 3, and installed them into $(mandir)/man3/:
anyone know if that is correct for this type of lib function?
Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx - http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."