Re: [AD] ~

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----- Original Message -----
From: George Foot <george.foot@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <conductors@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 1999 3:31 PM
Subject: [AD] ~

> The filing functions don't include any support for `~' expansion
> -- at the start of a path, `~' refers to the user's home
> directory, and `~foo' refers to foo's home directory.  I'd say
> that we don't need to support this for the general operations
> (since things like `fopen' don't -- it's really a shell
> feature), but possibly the canonicalisation function (I've
> forgotten its name) should support it, or the GUI file selector
> should expand it for the user.
> Any comments?  Is this just another Unix-specific feature that
> doesn't belong here?

If this is a shell feature and not an OS feature, then my guess is that it
really doesn't belong here.  However, a note on how to find the home
directory might be useful for the documentation, for those of us DOS-ites
who are porting to Linux.


Chris La Mantia * chrislm@xxxxxxxxxx *
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