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The filing functions don't include any support for `~' expansion
-- at the start of a path, `~' refers to the user's home
directory, and `~foo' refers to foo's home directory. I'd say
that we don't need to support this for the general operations
(since things like `fopen' don't -- it's really a shell
feature), but possibly the canonicalisation function (I've
forgotten its name) should support it, or the GUI file selector
should expand it for the user.
Regarding the implementation, it's not sufficient for the GUI
file selector to just interpret it correctly for its browsing;
it can't return paths starting with ~, because the user might
feed them into `fopen' for example. So adding the support to
the file selector is totally separate from adding the support
to a user-callable function.
Any comments? Is this just another Unix-specific feature that
doesn't belong here?