Re: [AD] Small GUI extra

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Shawn Hargreaves <shawn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>There was a lot of talk about GUI enhancements on the mailing list a few 
>months ago, which included a more compatible solution to this problem 
>(making the GUI screen variable be a define that uses either the screen 
>bitmap or some other, depending whether any override bitmap has been
>along with a bunch of other improvements. The last I heard was that Revin 
>Guillen (revin@xxxxxxxxxx) was going to start implementing these 
>things, but I don't know how far he's got, or if he is still interested
>in it.

Hmm...that seems to be my cue... :)

Actually, I got quite a ways into making the changes, i.e. I wrangled
my way through update_dialog() until I understood most of what it was
doing, implemented the whole MSG_CAPTURE scheme (see previous threads
on GUI updates). I then began changing the built-in GUI objects so that
they would take advantage of the new changes. d_button_proc was pretty
easy, and it works fine. I started working on d_slider_proc, and then
all Hell broke loose! :)

I had problems getting mouse dragging to work properly, and I originally
thought that my MSG_CAPTURE implementation had broken something, because
trying to drag the handle of a slider object slowed everything down (or
at least the slider's updating procedure) so that it updated something
like once every second or so. Clearly unacceptable. So I went back to
see what was wrong, but for some reason, the "real" slider object doesn't
drag properly on my system either!

Has anyone else noticed this?

I suspect it's due to some minor change that I implemented and forgot
about. To answer Shawn's musing, yes, I'm still interested in getting
the GUI updated, and I'll be working on it again soon. I haven't had
a working computer at home lately, since my 10 year-old power supply
finally blew, and it has triggered a load of upgrades to my computer,
which aren't all finished yet. And all of that while I was in the
middle of moving from Win95 to Linux. Sheesh.

Oh, yeah, the whole gui_screen thing that started this thread off: I
added code to make this change (I can't remember exactly what, just
now, but it was just a preprocessor define and a couple of lines of
code--pretty much exactly what we concluded on a while back), but I
haven't gotten to the point of testing it yet.


&&&&&  | Revin Guillen
 o~o-@ +-----------------------------------------------------------------
  <  | | University of Washington                             Seattle, WA
   =/  | revin@xxxxxxxxxx

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