[AD] Tiny bug in guiproc.c

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There's a tiny bug in guiproc.c, in the _draw_listbox function().
If the width of the listbox is (<=22 and bar=true) or (<=10 and bar=false),
this function will fall into an endless loop.

WIP 3.9.24, line 990

   while (text_length(font, s) >= d->w - (bar ? 22 : 10)) {
      usetat(s, len, 0);
The problem is that the right side expression will always be <=0 
and the loop will never end. 

Here is a quick fix:

   if (d->w - (bar ? 22 : 10) > 0) {
      while (text_length(font, s) >= d->w - (bar ? 22 : 10)) {
         usetat(s, len, 0);
      usetat(s, 0, 0);


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