Re: [AD] Small GUI extra

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John Harger <john_h@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> What I did, which is really absolutely simple, is make the GUI write to a
> gui_bitmap BITMAP rather than screen. gui_bitmap is set to screen by
> set_gfx_mode

This is certainly a good idea, but this change as written will break 
existing programs that try to write to other places than the real screen, 
such as the setup program.

There was a lot of talk about GUI enhancements on the mailing list a few 
months ago, which included a more compatible solution to this problem 
(making the GUI screen variable be a define that uses either the screen 
bitmap or some other, depending whether any override bitmap has been set), 
along with a bunch of other improvements. The last I heard was that Revin 
Guillen (revin@xxxxxxxxxx) was going to start implementing these 
things, but I don't know how far he's got, or if he is still interested in 

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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