Re: [AD] [PATCH] Installation of info files [3.9.25]

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Gary Simmons <darshu@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> The one other problem I came along was that some distros (redhat 6.0 for 
> one) don't seem to link /usr/local/info/dir to /usr/info/dir... that would 
> not be very useful, since info seems to only look at the /usr/info/dir one 
> unless otherwise specified, so I made it create a symbolic link from 
> /usr/local/info/dir to /usr/info/dir if the dir file does not exist 
> already.

Any Unix experts care to comment on this? It seems like a reasonable 
approach to me (my system has this problem of /usr/local/info/ updates not 
affecting the tree in /usr/info), but it also seems slightly weird to have a 
library install playing around with system files like this. Anyone know a 
better way?

Also, how safe is it to look for /sbin/install-info? Can we somehow get 
autoconf to tell us this path?

> I've gotten my self confused over where to send this now =) So I hope i'm
> not being over-generous with my to list.

It doesn't greatly matter. Just the AD list is usually OK: we just had a 
temporary outage when George wasn't getting any mail for it for a while.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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