Re: [AD] [PATCH] Installation of info files [3.9.25]

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Gary Simmons <darshu@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Michael Bukin wrote:
> > It should be $(infodir)/dir, but perhaps install-info should not be used 
> > at all, because it was not included in older versions of info and some 
> > systems (Debian) had different programs with such names.  Maybe it can 
> > be added in separate make target which is not tied with `install' target 
> > (e.g. `install-info' target).

I think a "make install-info" target would be good. Alternatively we could 
have the configure script check for an install-info executable and only run 
it if present, but if you are right that some systems have other programs 
with that name, this probably isn't such a good idea.

> Quite right, $(infodir)/dir it should be... Hrmmm what about some sort of
> autoconf macro that locates the program and its location? I don't have a
> clue to right one of those though.

That's already done: this is where the $(infodir) value comes from (compare with the generated makefile).

> > Also gzip should not be used automatically, and I don't think it is
> > necessary as separate target.
> Why not, who doesn't have gzip?  The info file is pretty big and I don't
> know of any info that doesn't automatically ungzip the files.

Not all Unixes are Linux, and X Allegro should work on every Unix system, 
even ones that don't have lots of GNU tools installed. Of course if they 
don't have gzip, chances are they don't have any of the texinfo tools 
either, but it is possible, so it is safer not to do this.

Are you going to make up a new patch with these changes in place, or should 
I try to put it all together at my end?

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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