Re: [AD] [PATCH] Installation of info files [3.9.25]

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"Flia. Baldo" <lubaldo@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> 	I checked with my current Debian Potato system, there is an executable
> called install-info to install info pages.

Potato does not say anything to me.  It would be better to give
version number.

> 	The best thing to do is to check for the existence of that executable
> and use it if it exists... But you said that Debian had a different
> program with that name??? Seems strange to me... what version was that?

In some documentation they said that old versions of Debian have
incorrect version of install-info and that there is a way to test for
the version of the program or update dir with grep/sed/etc.
Unfortunately, I don't remember which document it was and can not find
this information now.

There is recomendation for installing info pages in the
document which can be obtained from GNU server.  Rules are simple and
do not require changes to configure script.

> > Also gzip should not be used automatically, and I don't think it is
> > necessary as separate target.
> 	You can test if it exists, and if it exists then use it
> automatically...

Not everyone need or like compressed info files.  For private use it
might be better to save disk space, but for public access servers it
is preferrable to reduce CPU load and not ungzip info files all the
time.  This kind of decision should be made by machine administrator.

> 	In my opinion, the makefile or configure script (I didn't build the
> Linux version of Allegro yet, so I don't know if it already does
> this...) should let you select the directories for the documentation,
> executables, other data, etc. Autoconf does this automatically I
> think... and if I remember correctly Allegro was going to use or uses
> Autoconf right?

Yes, Unix version of Allegro uses autoconf.  Supported options for
setting directories can be found by using `--help' switch of configure
script (but usually only `--prefix' directory is set).

Michael Bukin

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