Re: [AD] Linux progress report |
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Shawn Hargreaves wrote:
> Just to let you know where I'm at: I've fixed a bunch of bugs, cleaned up
> the build process somewhat, and got the datafile tools working in Linux
Cool, I could try to build my installer under Linux (uses dat files).
BTW (I'll check the code anyways) do you still having a mess with the
dependencies here? I mean: If I use dat files 150Kb of Allegro are pulled with
it. I think here you should apply the same concepts we discussed long time ago.
Currently I just taked the one source from Allegro (the one that handles the dat
loading) and did a big number of cuts to reduce the size of the installer. All
of this is with 3.11.
Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer)
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