Re: [AD] Bug in exflame.c

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Jason Wilkins <fenix@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Question, should I convert the UTF-8 value I get from the BeOS keymap into 
> whatever Unicode mode I'm in, I guess I should

The input functions deal with numeric values, range 0-2^32-1, which are the 
same in any encoding. The difference between ASCII, UTF-8, Unicode, etc, is 
just what happens when you want to store that number in memory, which you 
never need to do (other than as an int, which is different to putting it in 
a string).

> What I need a comprehensive answer to is, what should cause keypressed to
> be true and what should cause ureadkey to return?

The same as getch() in DOS. ie. anything that has meaning in itself, as an 
actual keypress rather than a modifier which will only affect the meaning of 
subsequent keypresses.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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