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Just to let you know where I'm at: I've fixed a bunch of bugs, cleaned up
the build process somewhat, and got the datafile tools working in Linux
(Michael: those dependency generation scripts are most impressive indeed :-)
For those of you who care about such things: linker scripts for datafile
plugins aren't truly dynamic on Linux. They get expanded out by the same
scripts that generate makefile.dep, so if you put a .scu file in the
datafile plugins directory to specify any custom linker options, you will
have to delete makefile.dep or reconfigure the lib before this takes effect.
How many people are actually interested in following changes on a daily
level? ie. would it be worth me uploading new versions every time I change
something, or do people prefer me to batch things up for a while and then
just give you a new WIP every week or so? You are likely to get that a lot
of the time anyway just because it is all I have time for, but while I'm
doing more active coding I can upload as frequently as people are interested
in, so it's your choice between lots of small diffs, or one big one every
now and then...
Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx - http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."