Re: [AD] unicode.c

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Neil Townsend <neil@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I am plaing around trying to get 3.9.21 wokrin on a linux/X box - not sure
> if it should or not, the docs are not clear and I have to confess to not
> following that side of the discussion.

Works for me on a Red Hat 6.0 system. You need to select the console system 
driver in your config file, and be root unless you have a working 
framebuffer device.

It doesn't work under X yet.

> However, I have noted that line 312 of unicode.c is as follows:
>    int c = *((unsigned char *)((*s)++));
> this appears to cause a seg fault a bit later in the code that calls
> utf8_getx. My observation is that changing the line to:
>    int c = (int)(*((unsigned char *)((*s)++)));

I'm pretty sure that this crash is bogus, because those lines are identical 
in meaning, and I'm quite confident of the correctness of that code. My 
guess is that something else is going wrong, most likely due to you trying 
to use the X code, and this just happens to be the point where it crashes.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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