Re: [AD] X-Windows

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Neil Townsend <neil@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> When running, if SYSTEM_XWINDOWS fails to open a window it fails. The 
> system then falls through to SYSTEM_NONE, which always seems to succeed 
> but leaves some internal variable (such as GFX_SAFE_DEPTH) undefined, 
> resulting in a messy failure later.

Well spotted! It should never be autodetecting SYSTEM_NONE: that's only a 
sensible thing to use if people specifically requested it. The fix is to 
greap for all the driver lists that include SYSTEM_NONE, and change the 
autodetect flag (final parameter) from TRUE to FALSE.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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