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>> However, I have noted that line 312 of unicode.c is as follows:
>> int c = *((unsigned char *)((*s)++));
>> this appears to cause a seg fault a bit later in the code that calls
>> utf8_getx. My observation is that changing the line to:
>> int c = (int)(*((unsigned char *)((*s)++)));
>I'm pretty sure that this crash is bogus, because those lines are identical
>in meaning, and I'm quite confident of the correctness of that code. My
>guess is that something else is going wrong, most likely due to you trying
>to use the X code, and this just happens to be the point where it crashes.
sorry, my bug report was not clear.
It crashes in line 1137 of get_config_text, the immediately after returning
from utf8_getx. Furthermore, a local variable in get_config_text is,
according to gdb, corrupted by the call to ugetx.
As far as I can see, all this happens before any X stuff is done.
I don't like the solution either; it is probably covering over something