Re: [AD] FreeBE 1.2 Riva driver

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Stepan Roh <sroh7497@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I tried FreeBE 1.2 Riva driver on a machine with Riva128 and it didn't
> work a bit (neither under DOS nor under Win).

That's a shame. But as I said in the driver notes, I can't fix problems 
without access to the hardware, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help you 
with this.

> I think it's in driver detection routine (when you disables both Linear & 
> Banked features of driver - with install.exe - it tells that it's 
> impossible to set VBE/AF mode).

If you disable both linear and banked modes, that doesn't leave any working 
ones at all, so Allegro won't even try to use a VBE/AF mode. So this doesn't 
really tell anything useful, other than that if you don't use the driver at 
all, it isn't able to cause any problems :-)

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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